You see, I specialize in working on films that never seem to be released. Well, at least not in the U.S. I think my company feels it will drive up the demand if we just finish a film and shelve it for five or six years. It is my fervent dream to one day work on a project and be able to tell my parents they can BUY a copy of it at Target. So, is making art it's own reward? For me.. No. I want people to ENJOY something I created!
Why am I on this rant? Maybe I need a glass of milk or something. Who knows. Take care, everyone! See you next time!
cute illo!!
she's perfect!!!
I love the colours - the background really enhances the picture! Super
hey this character is awsome and u know what ,belive in ur dreams and they will come true...
waiting for u r movie to come on big screen men.
and soon ur parents will BUY a copy of it at Target.
All the best.
And keep up.
I shall never understand the Baker mentality. Having worked for him and his sister both, I can say that without hesitation. Shelving a project when it could be making money is a flat-out bad idea. Not making your work available to the public in general is a crime. Glad you're posting Adrian! She's lovely! If I were a fish I'd have such a huge crush on her. But I'm not. So I don't.
I hope Mr. Baker changes his mind about the whole shelf thing. I'd like to see Princess made available in my lifetime.
What? How did I not comment on this one before? I could have sworn I left a comment. Stupid me. I love this fish, and I love the colors (including the colors used for the water that I never would have thought of but that look really nice). If fish can be considered attractive, this is one. Nice work, man.
Beautiful work.
Fabulous work !!
hey u yeah u what do u think u doing drawing a amazing fish
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