I'm a huge fan of the classic Hanna-Barbera designs. They were so deceptively simple, so well designed. Within the confined parameters of pre-computer limited animation, these cartoon design giants found ways to incorporate charming, appealling designs. H-B legends like
Iwao Takamoto (who designed Scooby Doo and Hong Kong Phoeey) are among the biggest influence in my art style.
Here's my humble tribute to them. Tiberius Tiger lives in the City Zoo (naturally), and is always up to some wacky adventure... Much to the chagrin of Zoo Keeper Ollie Oxenfree!
Dude your stuff is awesome! I seen your site on Zazzle and had to check out your blog. I should have known you work for Disney Interactive (Utah). All the best artist work there. Is that a dream job or what?
I really like the windy-sort of fence behind him! Very awesome.
Cool BG!!
Super work sir!
HI Adrian!!cool job man!!Its a dream for me to interact with a person of Disney.Keep up the good work.I'm a cartoonist too and I'm from India.
nice work here, very cool!
Love your work Adrian! I nominated you for an award for an awesome blog! Check it out at my site or cut and past the following address to your browser http://pinkinkandjello.blogspot.com/2008/09/award.html.
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