This week's Toon Club topic is "Dalmatian." (Often misspelled as "Dalmation", which we all know is the act of dalmating.) While I was deciding what to draw, I looked up dalmatian on Wikipedia. Turns out there was an ancient part of Croatia known as Dalmatia, and this brave breed was known as their guard dogs.
Apparantly, Dalmatians are known for their genetic disposition to deafness. Hundreds of years ago, dog experts thought Dalmatians were stupid and untrainable until someone figured this out. In hindsight, it was the dog experts who were one spot short of a pooch.
Ha ha.. Funny!!
An old schoolmate of mine from High School, Jesse Gerson, sent me a link to your blog. Really great work, here man! So you're at DIMG now? Me too. I've been contracting at the North Hollywood building for about 7 months working as an illustrator for Disney's Family.com. Before that I was at Disney Consumer Products working with the Boys Film/TV Character Artists in Glendale. Well, nice bumping into you online. If you're ever on the 2nd floor in the NoHo building feel free to drop by.
This reminds me a bit of one of the hyenas from The Lion King Great drawing!
Fantastic design!!
This is a great design!
Adrian I really dig this dog! I'm not calling you "dog", i'm saying that i like your drawing...you know what I mean.
So they were the guard dogs to what is now referred to as "an ancient part of Croatia?" That doesn't sound like a very good guard dog. It seems that Dalmatia would still stand if deaf dogs could just do their their job.
A lovely design, sir.
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