I was quite impressed with the effects on Davy Jones. Some of the best CG animation I've seen in a live action film. I especially enjoyed it when he played the organ with his tentacles. Cool stuff...
Well, anyway, ToonClub's topic this week was "Pirates", so I had an opportunity to put my own slant on the character. Have a nice weekend, and thanks for your wonderful comments and support. You've made this a blog an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
This is very cool, Adrian. And if you had designed it several years ago, you'd have a lot more money right now. Nice color and all. Very nicely done.
stumbled across your blog and lovin that I did! Fantastic characters! Bookmarked and I hope you dont mind a link...
those are some great looking tentacles...Arrr (means very nice image)
Shane - I'm looking into legal action. Stay tuned....
Ghettofab - Thanks for stopping by. Your link has been returned in kind.
Afroman - I though Arrr meant very GOOD image, but let's not quibble over symantics.
Congrats on the fiftieth post, and the awesome drawing!
Awesome portrait of Davey Jones! I argee that the cgi on davey was impressive. happy fiftieth post! :)
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