
Well, It Happened...

I missed another complete month posting. But honest, I have a good excuse... Or, rather, some good excuses. I've been sick with the flu, a sinus infection, and strep throat. I took time off for Thanksgiving to help family. There are other, large issues percolating that I can't speak of yet, but they have sapped up the remainder of my free time.

So, if you're one of the 27 people who continue to come here on faith that I'll post, here's your validation.

For this post, I really had to look deep inside my elf, practice some elf discipline, and become more elf reliant. You know what they say, the Lord helps those who help their elf. Hopefully this entry isn't coming off as elf important or elf serving. I just couldn't help my elf.


S.T. Lewis said...

Each pun is like a dagger... jabbed into my aching brain. I hadn't seen or heard from you in a while. Glad you're still alive, sir.

Adrian Lubbers said...

Oh man... this post makes me want to kill my elf. Touche!!!

paperflower said...

Somebody is full of their elf! You and your crazy puns! LOL!! But I still love you! I also love your elf! Good job!

Anonymous said...

It's about time. I live for my elf. The posts better get more regular or I might hurt my elf.

Heather Dixon said...

I want to post some funny pun about elfs, but they've all been used up. I love it anyways!

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