I was always the kid in school that kept out of trouble, did my work, and got good grades. I kept my trap shut, and I think that gave my teachers the idea that I'd be the perfect lackey. It seems every time a teacher would have to leave the classroom for a moment, I was the kid chosen to take the names of the kids who didn't stay on task. Well, the joke's on you, Teach! I just used the time to keep to myself and doodle! Ha ha!
Lol - very nice! I recognized the style right off!
I just re-took the pop quiz, and this time I only got one of three. How is my score getting worse? Too much math in one day... that's how. I love this one, sir - it's quite nice.
Nice style. Great colors and expressions. Lots of movement. Great!
Hahaha.. As a teacher that's funny. I always pick the joker in class to watch them all because nobody likes a squealer and chances are.... NOBODY likes him anyways!!Hahaha , just kidding.
Love the style.
Ren and Stimpy are soooo cool! I actually tried to get on the animation team for that cartoon...ambitious kid I was!!!!AWESOME take on the topic!!!
Ren and Stimpy are soooo cool! I actually tried to get on the animation team for that cartoon...ambitious kid I was!!!!AWESOME take on the topic!!!
great exaggeration -- what cartoons are all about!
Hey. Reeeeeeeally great! Nice style and colors!
ren and Stimpy it´s so cool! It´s a shame that cartoon it´s out of production!
Half days count as full days!
Awesome work! :O)
Great idea, i love John K. too, congrats!
Great idea, i love John K. too, congrats!
LOVE the linework!
Great characters and storytelling!
It rolls down stairs, and over chairs..... I dont need to go on. I love Ren and Stimpy. Great pic!
Great stuff!
I was going to ask if you were from Moreland but did enough googling to see that you probably are. We just watched the Velveteen Rabbit. I noticed your name in the credits and remembered a conversation I had with your mother over ten years ago when she was telling me about you. So I had to do some looking. Fun to see a name I recognized, even though I have not met you.
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