
Showing Off Doesn't Work

If this was a reference to my personal experience, you'd see the giant ice pillar the penguin's about to run into.

I hope I'm back in the saddle again and going to be posting a lot more regularly. I already have this year's "Halloweenies" figured out, so you can at least expect something before October.

Thanks for sticking in there!


Heather Dixon said...

Aaaw what an awesome picture! I love your stuff.


Michael said...

Hi Adrian,

it's great to have you back! Love your penguins and all the other ones. That picture was taken in real life, wasn't it? That bored female's face while he is having fun (AGAIN!) is just great!

Keep going!

Ken Chandler said...

There's a bit too much truth behind this picture. I've embarrassed myself once or thrice trying to woo a person of the female persuasion. In the end, I got the best one of them all just by being myself. Let that be a lesson to me.

Incredible work Adrian!

A.prem said...


LOVED your work!
and the template's real cute! :)


Sean "It's a capital N actually" McNally said...

man, what a penguin need to do to get the respect of the shorties bro? Where the prestige at?

Really nicely done. Simple and effective <3

MrBibleHead said...

Great to see your stuff again Adrian. You always bring a smile to my face. thanks

Adrian Lubbers said...

Your drawings are great Adrian, but it's the stories and emotion you put into them that amaze me. Keep 'em comin!

Funny T-Shirts