I love the old Bugs Bunny cartoons in which Bugs pretends to be dead, prompting Elmer Fudd to completely change his attitudes toward rabbit hunting. Since last week's Toon Club topic was "Swamp Critters", I decided to pay homage to this classic gag with a critter known for playing dead.
It occurs to me now, however, that he might be TOO good of an actor.
You only claim that he's "playing" dead so your website won't have to take a PG-13 rating. He's totally dead... and though the gator may cry while he does it, he's about to eat the little guy. Why couldn't you have just showed the two of them getting married? Great drawing, Adrian - I loves it!
Oh man, this drawing is so cool! Great job, Adrian!
That expresion is hillarious.
uuuhhhhh..... this one is sweet. I like the lighting you've done here and the gator design is sweet too.
I simply love it. Those expressions are awesome, and I too like the lighting.
I love the look on the Crocodile's face! He is very cute! I hope he doesn't eat the possum anyway.
Are those crocodile tears? Great BG and lighting. Simply adds more to the mood. The next scene shows the possum hopping up to do a Matrix kung-fu move on the croc, yeah? Just joshin'. Keep it up, this stuff is great.
Yeah, that's great. Old dead possum for dinner? I think not.
So funny, he's a great actor (I hope).
Ha! Funny. Great illo.
love the big fat gator. if only they really were cute like that!
:) funny and great!
These guys have a long stage career ahead of them - very fun! :)
Great work, love the look on the croc's face!
really nice characters, cool blog :D
Great idea - brilliant job on the characters.
Great gator. Reminds me of a Fat versoin of the one in Peter Pan
I saw a cat laying like this on the road when I was a child. Something about the eyes...just like how you've drawn- It scarred me. Thank you for bringing up such a sensitive subject.
Great work here! You create great expression in your characters and I like the colours! :)
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