
O is for Otter - Free Coloring Book Page

I'm making a coloring book for my nieces and nephews. The theme is "Alphabet Animals". I just finished this page, so I decided I'd upload it here in case you have little ones who like to color. Click on the image to go to a print quality image, and enjoy!

P.S. Any good suggestions for X? Xylophone is NOT an animal.


Tatevik Avakyan said...

Such a fun drawing! Thanks for posting:)

Aaron Ludwig said...

X is for Xenops...

flashfox said...

Aww, I like otters, they remind me of wet ferrets.

The Phoenix Farnsworth's Periodical said...

How about xebra. I figure since the x is a z sound in xylophone it could be used for zebra as well.

Sarah said...

You could use the Genus species names like: Xiphias gladius is a Swordfish. Look on Wikianswers.com and ask, "What animals begin with the letter x"

Richard Gaines said...

All the x names are genus, phylla or family names and not individual species.

I don't know, but maybe if I were cornered like that, I'd just skip the letter. :)

Great pic by the way. I'd love to see the whole book!

S.T. Lewis said...

Having scrolled down through your recent blog posts, it seems your coloring book only has three pages. You realize there's probably more than 15 letters in the alphabet, right? So where are the rest?

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